【E34】-11 Travel Series - No 2

【E34】-11 Travel Series - No 2

2017-08-09    10'03''

主播: 启哲英语

47 2

Electronics 电子品 Pocket 口袋 Keys 钥匙 a set of keys Wallet钱包 Change零钱 Tray 盘子 Security gate 安检门口 Lighter 打火机 Security gate 安检门口 我在安检门口 I'm at the security gate Scan 扫描 Conversation 对话 Miss, may I see your passport and boarding pass please? 女士,我可以看一下你的护照和登记卡吗? 护照 passport 登记卡 boarding pass Please take out all electronics and put them into the tray. 请把电子品拿出来放在盘子里 Electronics 电子品 Do you have anything in your pockets? 你口袋里有东西吗? Keys? Wallet? Change? 钥匙? 钱包? 零钱? Please place them into a tray as well and walk through the security gate. 如果有的话请先放在盘子里再过安检门口 这个 as well 的意思是还有。 比如 I have a green sweater. I have a blue sweater as well. 跟 too 一样的 As well/ too Either I don't like My husband doesn't like I like music. I like swimming as well. I don't like coffee. I don't like tea either. What about my watch? 手表吗? as well 跟 too 一样的,都是也的意思 No, you can keep that on. 可以戴着。 Alright 好的 Should I take off my shoes? 我的鞋子应该脱吗? No, that's fine. Please hold on, it seems like there is a lighter in your bag. Lighter 打火机 Oh I almost forgot about that. 哦差点忘了。 Can I throw it away? 我可以把它扔掉吗? Sure, we'll throw it away for you. 可以,我们帮你扔。 We'll also need to scan your bag one more time.