【E32】level4 -47 Wedding day

【E32】level4 -47 Wedding day

2017-08-23    18'18''

主播: 启哲英语

15 0

Relative clauses of time can be used with past, present and future tenses. For example: December 26 is the day when they got married. (Past tense) December 25 is the day when people celebrate Christmas. (Present tense) July 17 is the day when she will graduate. (Future tense) 3 different sentences. 3 different tenses. Did all of you understand this conversation? Which words did you find difficult? Shrine 圣殿 / 圣陵 Reception 招待会 Wedding reception 婚宴 Ceremony 仪式 Marriage / Wedding Ceremony 婚礼 Bride 新娘 Groom 新郎 Any other words that you find difficult? Wedding day is the day when a wedding happens. The day people get married is called the wedding day. 结婚日 Even if you get married in the morning or at night, the whole day is still called the Wedding Day We usually only say Wedding Day Please raise your hand if you want to read the conversation! Wedding Those pictures Shrine Were there a lot of people there? Usually Japan Speeches Guests Bride The guests get presents? Wedding Those pictures Shrine Were there a lot of people there? Remember, for Yes / No questions, the tone at the end of the sentence should go UP Usually Japan Speeches Guests Gues 词 Bride The guests get presents? The guests get presents. The guests get presents? Do all of you understand why it is important to have these tones? If we don't use the tone, people might not understand that we are asking them a question. Always pay attention to where a native speaker puts the emphasis in a word or sentence. Also pay attention to the tones in the sentences. The GUESTS get presents. (Here we are emphasising WHO gets the presents) The guests get PRESENTS. (Here were are emphasising what the guests get) Take care everyone! Keep up the good work!