【E33】level4 -31 If clauses

【E33】level4 -31 If clauses

2017-08-23    12'29''

主播: 启哲英语

9 0

I was using this pictures in another class.. Yes, these sentences are quite important. If sentences that talk about consequences. It's kind of pronounced "Yewl" It's like a 循环 A cycle Feel more relaxed. If you don't get married, you may feel more relaxed. If I eat less sugar, I'll stay in good shape. If you eat less sugar, you'll lose weight. If I eat less sugar, I'll sleep better at night. We also have another word for this "cavities" If you eat less sugar, you'll get less cavities. Cavities are little holes in your teeth If you own a pet, you'll have less free time. There's "I'll" "You'll" and there's also "It'll" All of these have the same meaning as "______ will." If you buy an expensive car, it'll...... If you buy an expensive car, it'll cost you a lot of money. If you buy an expensive car, it'll make your life more convenient. If you buy an expensive car, it'll cost you a lot of money for insurance. If you buy an expensive car, it'll make you popular with the young people. Homework is Section 10, 11, and 12! Does everyone have the time to do the reading in Section 12? It's not very difficult. Okay, see you all tomorrow!!! Sleep well everyone!! Night Night