【E32】level4 -48 Adverbial clauses of time

【E32】level4 -48 Adverbial clauses of time

2017-08-28    19'48''

主播: 启哲英语

50 1

Adverbial clauses of time And we will not have class the next three days (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). This is because my family and I have organised an international music festival. I will be very busy with that the next three days because I am an organizer and performer at this festival. I will make up for these lessons at the end of this week or next week. This is a page from the brochure for the music festival. Do you recognise me in one of the pictures? brochure 小册子 I had to design this brochure myself My family told me 2 days ago that I have to design the brochure. So I spent one whole night designing it. They have already been printed. I am waiting for them to bring it to the house now Did all of you review the conversation in Section 8? Adverbial clauses of time 时间状语 When people get married in Japan , they sometimes have the ceremony at a shrine People get married in Japan They sometimes have the ceremony at a shrine AFTER the food is served, the guests give speeches or sing songs. AFTER The food is served The guests give speeches or sing songs. The important word here is 'after' In the first example, the word was 'when'. This mean 'at the time' In the second example, the word is 'after'. This shows which thing happens first and which thing happens after it BEFORE the guests leave, the bride and groom give them presents. BEFORE The guests leave The bride and groom give them presents. Any problems or questions so far? In Part A we have to join the two parts of the sentence together. Please raise your hand if you want to try! I dated my wife for 4 years before we got married When I got engaged to my wife, I gave her one of my grandmother's gold bangles. Bangle 手镯 But I gave her a diamond ring at our wedding, so she was very happy Do you now think you know how to use these adverbial clauses of time? Here is a VERY important thing to remember: The two parts of the sentence should have the same tense. For example: When people get married in Japan, they sometimes have the ceremony at a shrine. People get married in Japan They sometimes have the ceremony at a shrine. These sentences are both in the simple present tense. Past tense: Right after I ate dinner, I turned on the TV. I ate dinner I turned on the TV I want to hear your own sentences. The sentence can be about anything Just remember, there should be two parts in the sentence. And you should use one of the important grammar words that we have looked at. When I get into the classroom, I always smile to the students. The structure we should use here is: Time adverb + first part + second part. For example: While I take care of my children, I like to exercise. Your sentence was correct. But you used a different grammar structure. 2 parts. But each of those two parts can also be sentences by themselves. While I take care of my children, I like to exercise. This is one sentence. BUT First part: I take care of my children. Second part: I like to exercise. If we divide them into two parts, then each part can also be sentence by itself. Time adverbs Examples are: Before, after, as, when, while, until, as soon as, since, no sooner than, as long as