【E33】level4 -47 Movie genres

【E33】level4 -47 Movie genres

2017-09-21    14'35''

主播: 启哲英语

8 0

So at the start of this lesson, we're going to review the different types of movies, often called "movie genres" Which of these movies is an animated movie? Which of these movies is a fantasty movie? Inspirational 励志 "This movie is based on a true story." Have you ever seen a move that's based on a true story? Schindler's list is based on a true story! "12 Years a Slave" "The Pianist" "A Beautiful Mind" All of those movies are based on a true story too This book is really amazing. I was amazed by this book The mountains in Sichuan are stunning. I was stunned by the mountains in Sichuan. The first sentence describes the THING.... the second sentence describes OUR FEELINGS. Listen to the last thing I said to understand why.