【E33】level4 -48 Participles as adjectives

【E33】level4 -48 Participles as adjectives

2017-09-25    15'48''

主播: 启哲英语

4 0

When you want to talk about how something makes you feel, we use "present participles".. "Watching the two old men play Go was very interesting." "Learning how to cook Chinese food is very interesting." OR we can use the past participles. "I'm interested the two old men playing Go." "I'm interested in (cooking) Chinese food." There's no person there! "It's surprising that horror movies are so popular." Means that 'horror movies are so popular' is surprising. You don't need a person, the sentence is just about the situation. Also, we never say, "It is (adj) + ed ..." I'm surprised that horror movies are so popular. - That's OK! Because "I am" So let's try to change one of the sentences from an "-ing" to an "-ed" type sentence... Let's start with #2 I find animated films amusing. Part A .... Number 2 .... "I'm bored by watching television" "Watching television is boring." or "I think watching television is boring." So ... your homework tonight is simple Complete Section 4 Okay? Does that make sense?