【E35】-1Shopping 购物

【E35】-1Shopping 购物

2017-10-10    12'19''

主播: 启哲英语

16 1

Good morning ,can I help you ? 早上好,你买点儿什么? What kind do you have in mind ? 你想买点什么? How about this one ? 这个怎么样? Aren’t these paintings wonderful? 这些画不错吧? Would you like to have a closer look at it ? 你要不要仔细看看? What size do you take ? 您穿多大号的? How much would you like ? 你想要多少钱? I am glad you like it . 我很高兴你喜欢它。 Will there be anything else? 还要别的什么吗? (还要点儿其他什么东西吗?) You are welcome. 欢迎再次光临。 Notes have something in mind 想要买某样东西或有想买的东西 wonderful 表示赞叹,其他常用的表达还有fantastic,gorgeous,fabulous等。 2 先听录音再朗读,注意识记黑体词汇和短语。 Shopping is a delight for both customers and shop assistants. in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, department stores and shopping centers are open most days of the week from 9a.m. to 9 p.m. Some stores and supermarkets stay open even longer.Large shopping plazas are usually surrounded by spacious parking lots.Many foreign friends like to visit large souvenir shops. They are curious about traditional Chinese articles such as Chinese calligraphy, paintings, ceramics or jade carving. And sometines they are big shoppers of these artifacts. Notes customer 顾客 shop assistant 售货员,女售货员也可以称为saleslady,导购小姐可称为salesgirl department store 百货商店 shopping plaza 商城,商业购物广场 be curious about 对……好奇 article 货物 callingraphy 书法 painting 绘画 ceramic 陶瓷 big shoppers 喜欢购物的人 artifact 艺术品