【E36】-1 Introduction

【E36】-1 Introduction

2017-10-24    21'01''

主播: 启哲英语

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My name is Taco. I am 28 years old. I have lived and studied in many countries around the world. I currently live in Beijing, China and work as an English teacher while I further my education. I have been teaching English for almost ten years. I got married last year to my beautiful wife who I love very very much. I hope we can all become good friends during this course. Thank you all very much! Name Age Job About job Where she lives About her children Why she is studying English What she wants to do in the future Good night - We say this when we are saying goodbye When we start a conversation, we should say &`&Good evening&`& or &`&Good morning&`& or &`&Good afternoon&`&. It is evening right now. So we should say &`&Good evening&`& here