音标-43 /æ/

音标-43 /æ/

2017-10-31    22'41''

主播: 启哲英语

11 0

In our last lesson, we looked at the pronunciation of /e/. For example: Day 上一节课我们看了 /e/的发音。比如说: Day Tonight we will look at the pronunciation of /æ/ (for example: Hat) and /ʌ/ (for example: Cup) X (发音是 /ɛ/ks) Axe (斧) Hit the X with the axe. Pen (笔) Pan (有柄平底锅) Put the pen on the pan. Men (男人 - 复数的) Man (男人 - 单数的) The man is with those men. Left (离开了) Laughed (笑了)(发音是 Laft) She laughed after he left. Said (说了)(发音是 Sed) Sad (伤心) What she said made him sad.