【E35】-13 Task2

【E35】-13 Task2

2017-11-08    13'43''

主播: 启哲英语

3 0

Patient: Good morning, doctor. 早上好,医生。 Doctor: Good morning, Mr. Taylor. What seems to be the problem? 早安,泰勒先生。您觉得哪不舒服 Patient: I’ve got a sore throat and my chest hurts. 我嗓子疼,胸口也有点儿痛。 Doctor: How long have you been like this? 您像这样已经有多长时间了? Patient: Two or three days now. 已经有两、三天了。 Doctor: Let me check your lungs and heart. 我来给您检查一下肺部和心脏。 Patient: Do I have to take an X-ray? 要做X光透视吗? Doctor: No. I should think you’ve got the flu: there’s a lot of it about in this season. 没必要。我觉得您是患了流感。这个季节周围好多人都患了流感。 Patient: What do you advise? 您有什么建议? Doctor: It’s nothing serious but you’d better stay in bed for a day or two.没什么大不了的。但您最好还是卧床休息一两天 Notes What seems to be the problem? 怎么了?比what’s the problem?语气要委婉。因为当时还不能 确定到底是什么问题,所以用了seems一词 take an X-ray 接受X光透视检查 …there’s a lot of it about in this season. ……这个季节到处流行这种病。About = around advise 建议,提议 (动词) Exercise1 根据提供的情景线索来完成下列的对话。 1. You feel quite sick and are talking to a doctor about your headache and sore throat. A: I’ve been feeling very bad .doctor. B: Can you tell me what seems to be the problem ? A: I’ve got a sore throat and a very bad headache . B: How long have you been like this ? A: About 3 days / 5 days. etc . B: I’d better take your temperature(量体温).(a moment latter) I think you’ve got the flu B: No. Nothing serious .You’ll be all right after taking some medicine . 2. James (B) , a soccer player from Scotland, is not feeling very well with his stomach. He is now with a doctor (A) . A: What seems to be the problem , Mr. James ? B: I feel a dull pain(隐隐作痛) in my stomach . A: How long has this been going / have you been feeling like this ? B: Let me see, about 3 days / 5 days a week, etc . A: Now let me check your tongue . Mm, your tongue’s bit coated (有一点舌苔) B: You know, the pain always increases after meals. A: I should think you’ve got a mild ulcer(轻度溃疡) B: Is it serious? Do I have to have an operation ? A: Operation? No . Some medicine and a few days rest will make you all right again.