

2017-11-09    20'31''

主播: 启哲英语

8 0

TRANSIT OFFICE: Good afternoon. Unionville Transit System. This is Stanley speaking. COMMUTER: Hi. I need some travel information. I need to go to 52nd Street and Broadway. I live on 8th Street, near Fifth Avenue. TRANSIT OFFICE: Well, you can take the B12 bus to Mercer Street. Then you'll have to catch the B9. You can take the subway, too. COMMUTER: I live near a bus stop, so I prefer to take the bus. What time does it come? TRANSIT OFFICE: The buses run about every 15 minutes. Bus schedules are posted at the bus stop. You can also check our website. COMMUTER: How much does it cost? TRANSIT OFFICE: You’ll need $2 in change. The driver won’t take dollar bills, and he won’t give you change. Make sure you have exact change. COMMUTER: Okay. Thanks for the help. Have a good day.
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