音标-48 /ʊ/

音标-48 /ʊ/

2017-12-15    25'30''

主播: 启哲英语

8 0

Hi everyone! Good evening! Today we will practice the pronunciation of /ʊ/. For example: Book Our class will start in a few minutes! I look forward to seeing you all then! These are the words we will look at today: Luke (名字) Look (看) Luke should look at his book. Pool (游泳池) Pull (拉) Don’t pull me into the pool. Fool (蠢人/弄臣) Full (装满的) The fool is full of jokes. Suit (西装/套装) Soot (煤烟子) There is soot on your suit. Stewed (煨炖了) Stood (站起来了) She stood and stewed the meat.