2017-12-20    18'42''

主播: 启哲英语

4 0

STATE TROOPER: Good morning, sir. I pulled you over because the speed limit is 50 miles per hour. You were driving much faster than that. You were doing 70. ALAN: I’m sorry, Officer. I didn’t notice the sign, but I thought I was driving slower than that. STATE TROOPER: I need to see your license and registration. ALAN: I don’t have my license with me. I think I left it home. STATE TROOPER: You need to have license and registration with you in the car at all times, sir. I am going to issue you a ticket for speeding and another one for not having the proper documents. You can call the clerk’s office to find out the amount of the fines. ALAN: Can I just pay you now? STATE TROOPER: Sir, police officers aren’t allowed to take money. You have to call the clerk’s office. You can go there to pay in person, or you can mail it in. ALAN: This is my first speeding ticket. STATE TROOPER: Have a nice day, sir. Oops. What are those flashing lights behind you? Oh, no! Were you careful to watch the speed limit signs along the road? Those flashing lights don’t mean a party this time; they mean the police officer would like to have a little chat with you. Maybe you shouldn’t have rented that fancy car after all. The flashing lights on a police car usually mean the police officer has noticed a moving violation. If a cop pulls you over, move to the shoulder of the road right away, as safely as you can. Be careful of traffic on the highway! It’s important to be respectful to the officer, even if you’re not sure why he or she is stopping you.