音标-49  /ɑɪ/

音标-49 /ɑɪ/

2017-12-23    21'19''

主播: 启哲英语

19 1

Today we will practice the pronunciation of /ɑɪ/. For example: Fine 今天我们要练习 /ɑɪ/ 的发音。比如说: Fine Everyone, please say this with me: Fine 大家,你们都跟我一起说: Fine There are two sounds here. The first is /ɑ/and the second is /ɪ/. /ɑ/ is long. /ɪ/ is very short. /ɑɪ/. 这里有两个声音。第一个是/ɑ/。第二个是/ɪ/。/ɑ/很长。/ɪ/ 是很短的。 /ɑɪ/。 We will now look at two different sounds. 我们现在要看两个声音。 First say /æ/. Then say/ɑɪ/. 先说/æ/, 然后说/ɑɪ/。 We will now look at some words and sentences. Some of the words have /æ/ and some of them have /ɑɪ/. Please listen carefully. After I finish reading, you can repeat after me. 我们现在要看一些单词和句子。有的单词有/æ/有的有/ɑɪ/。你们先好好听。我读完后你们可以重复读。 We will now look at some words and sentences. Some of the words have /æ/ and some of them have /ɑɪ/. Please listen carefully. After I finish reading, you can repeat after me. 我们现在要看一些单词和句子。有的单词有/æ/有的有/ɑɪ/。你们先好好听。我读完后你们可以重复读。 Hat 帽子 Height 身高/高度 The hat has a height. Back 背面/后面 Bike 自行车 The back of the bike is black. Van 送货车/厢式运货车 Vine 攀缘植物 The vine is on the van. Cat 猫 Kite 风筝 The cat has the kite. Pants 裤子 Pints 品脱/品脱杯 The pints are on the pants.
上一期: 【E36】-23 Free talk
下一期: 【E36】-24 Dialogue