【E36】-34  Dialogue

【E36】-34 Dialogue

2018-01-31    22'14''

主播: 启哲英语

6 0

In the afternoon, I took one of my puppies to see the vet. Vet is short for Veterinarian 兽医 injection 打针 vaccination 疫苗 vaccine 疫苗 (noun) Vaccinate (verb) Vaccination (noun) - to get a vaccine health conscious (adjective) health consciousness (noun) We can BE health conscious. We can HAVE (a sense of) health consciousness. MACHINE GUY: Can I take your order, please? LIA: Hmmm. A burger sounds good. I think I’ll have a mega-burger with cheese, extra pickles, no mayo. MACHINE GUY: Anything to drink with that? LIA: I’d like a Coke. Extra large. MACHINE GUY: Anything else? LIA: Yes, a kids’ meal with chocolate milk and chicken nuggets. MACHINE GUY: Would you like fries with that? LIA: Hmmm. The fries smell great, but do you have fruit instead? MACHINE GUY: Sure. You can have an apple or fruit cup. KID: Mom, you know I like fruit cup, but I’d like to have the apple. But only if they put a pie around it! Dark brown drinks like this with fizz (气泡咝咝声) inside are called Cola. These are also Cola But Coke is the name for 可口可乐 Chicken 鸡肉 Chicken nuggets and Coke HAVE a bad rap Cocoa 可可粉 可可茶 热巧克力 Coca 干古柯叶 Cocoa 可可粉 可可茶 热巧克力 Coke 可口可乐