

2016-07-07    04'18''

主播: 悄悄焕来的秋

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Farewell 惜  别 ——律师专业培训回忆点滴 文:法菜 Two hundreds youths from the South. 南国二百菁华 Gathering in GZ university 聚广大馨园 Walking on the roads of law 履黛袍之径 With you 与众同行 Recall the days of the pasting months 忆两月之向路, Resting in Beiting 宿北亭佳地 From days to nights 旦夕相随 Chasing for the soul of law 求索律法之精神 Arise In court, but end in truth 乃辟于庭,而穷其理   Learn from the the greatest lawyers 闻律界名儒论道 Enlighten us about the depth and broadness of our kingdom 悟术业之境,知之莫深,广袤无垠 In our playground of struggle, Drenching in the fountain of knowledge 吾侪庶几,欣欣心驰 Wandering In the world of law 荡然神游 Finally i know where is the destination 方知使命所之 It is right staying in my pure earnest 乃初心所处 When the first time,it was fenceless 相遇相知,无藩篱之拘囿 To bond the unbreakable friendship 结金兰之义 For our ways were always the same 盖所好之道合矣 so time was deserving a lot 光阴间,怡然同乐 Ask“ If You Are The One” 非诚芳心脉脉 Near my side, run, for the one 相携夜跑依依     Arguing, challenging, surfing 同辩、同搏、竞激流 Football with sweat shining 绿茵场挥汗 Recollect Brand tearing 振臂撕名牌 Rest with fatigue and tears 困极流泪方安肆     Call my memmory , all my fellows 棠棣之华,同袂而行 Our fate leads us apart from each other 遇之殊途,终有分离 Hearts are full of sorrow, but keep walking 忡忡之心,步之驱也 Never rest 勿驻足矣   Singing together for our mission 今朝比肩高歌 Guarding justice with our passion 守护正义公平 And promise me from heart and never let it fade away 韶华倾负,铭刻于心,不可相忘 Never 至死不渝 We will always be sincere, AND BY YOUR SIDE 青桂焉作枯枝,鹡鸰相与   Keep in each minds 矢志同往 We born for freedom 皆为自由而生 Devote for freedom 奋斗即自由