爱情邮局  作者:云舒(三语朗诵)

爱情邮局 作者:云舒(三语朗诵)

2018-08-26    08'42''

主播: 山雨舒屋

199 1

爱情邮局 文/云舒 谁的一生 不是一封情书 曾收到过的情书 曾寄出去的情书 曾投递不了的情书 不愿再提起 早已镌刻在心底 素什锦年 稍纵即逝 是青春的嫩绿 似沙漏般 弹指间 生命的小河 虽越发充盈 而爱情起初的滋味 早已渐行渐远 时光静谧 不再泛起点点涟漪 今天 走在情侣路上 漫步在沙滩里 沁人心脾的海风 月色里 渔女婀娜 霓虹闪烁 还有这爱情邮局…… 这是一方 充满爱的天地 尘封的心弦 又弹起了协奏曲 真想提笔写封信 给你 给他 或给未来的自己 不用千万言语 无需缠绵悱恻 只要用心绣上 ”爱你” 2018/8/21晚 Love post office By YunShu Who's life is not a love letter Once received the love letters Once sent out the love letters Once un-deliveried the love letters Don't want to mention has already been engraved in the bottom of the heart Ordinary and boom time Verdancy Youth, like an hourglass slip through your fingertips  River of life is more plentiful and the taste of love at first away already Time is quiet, no more ripples Today on the couples way stroll on the beach The refreshing sea breeze In the moonlight Fisher girl graceful Neon flashing This is a world full of love Dusty heart and bounce the concerto again Really want to write letter to you to him Or to the future No thousand words No extremely sad Only embroidered by heart ”love you”