红舞鞋  作者:邓瑛(三语朗诵)

红舞鞋 作者:邓瑛(三语朗诵)

2018-12-13    08'52''

主播: 山雨舒屋

169 3

红舞鞋 Red Dance Shoes 邓瑛 By Deng Ying 红舞鞋 在我的梦里 摇曳 织成点点花朵 风略过 点缀了莱茵河永不停息的 波澜 一首瑰丽而壮美的 诗篇 red dance shoes sway in my dream woven into little flowers the breeze sweeps over adorning ceaseless waves of the beautiful Rhine River what a magnificent poem 仰首云端 期待着你的手 伸出千万里的空濛 牵我走进 诗林 踏过柔软的芳草地 远离数不清的 喧嚣与责难 在清澈的月光里 让我们一起 尽情呢喃 I look up at clouds expecting your hands to go through miles of mist and take me gently to the forest of poetry we tread the soft grassland away from countless noise and censure let us whisper together as much as we can in the clear moonlight 翻开你前世的红尘 一定是我 拥抱在鸳鸯湖岸 栖息于梧桐的宫殿 裁落着诗的叶子 一片又一片 open the world of your prelife it must be me out of question hugging by the mandarin-duck lake perching in the phoenix-tree palace and tailoring the leaves of poetry one after another 聆听你 溪水般的蜜语甜言 更渴望磐石落地的 铮铮豪迈 敲响你隆隆的战鼓吧 激励我向前 I listen to your words so sweet like the stream and long more for your heroism like a boulder falling to the ground O beat your rumbly drum to inspire me forward 浩渺的天 是红舞鞋编织的芭蕾 优雅地扎根我心田 岁月 将写满你的名字 千遍万遍 生命 将烙印你的微笑 装饰我的日日年年 the boundless sky is the ballet woven by red dance shoes elegantly taking root in my heart time and tide will write your name everywhere over and over again life will be engraved with your sweet smiles adorning my each day 世界 终将老去 诗 却捧着你的红舞鞋 在霓虹的舞台 旋转 直到银河谢幕 红尘里又一个阑珊 the world will grow old yet the poetry holds your red dance shoes rotating on the neon stage until the Milky Way ends another fading story in the world 无心剑译于2018年11月12日。