远方——我无处安放的思念 作者:邓瑛(三语朗诵)

远方——我无处安放的思念 作者:邓瑛(三语朗诵)

2018-12-21    12'29''

主播: 山雨舒屋

216 2

远方 ——我无处安放的思念  Ying deng_Klein (德国 樱子 毛毛) 背景音乐: 王珺 - 思念 你是我心中的念念不忘 你是我眼里的山高水长 你是我轮回三生不舍的守望  你是我魂魄归返迷恋的原乡 The Distance Far Away: For My Unsettled Yearning By Ying deng_Klein, Tr. Iceiron You are what is never forgotten in my heart You are high mountains and everflowing rivers in my eyes You are what I keep watching for my three reincarnating lives Your are the original homeland for my infatuated soul to return 这一生  再不要那离情惆怅  这一世  再不许那忧思绕肠 No more in this life Do I want any sorrow for parting No more in this life Would I be lost in sad yearning 就让我  为你  书一笔爱意绵长  就让我  为你  守一世地老天荒 Just let me Write down my undying love For you Just let me Wait till the whole world decays For you 烟火的岁月里  把爱的传奇娓娓吟唱 In the years of earthly life I’d tenderly croon the legend of love 有你的远方  是我今生执着的向往 What in this life I keep yearning for Is the distance afar where you are 就让你我  醉在这红尘的道场  于彼此的心海里  漫步徜徉 Just let us Get drunk in the mundane ashram And stroll at ease In each other’s heart 相爱的路上  尽管也曾走的跌跌撞撞 尽管也曾尝尽人间凄清悲怆 On the journey of love We stumbled, we staggered Fed up with earthly dolefulness 还是要 把尘世的喧嚣  小心埋葬 Yet our memory would bury all the bustling Of the world, carefully 我愿  为你  等到白发苍苍  也不要  再把纯洁的爱恋深深隐藏 I would Wait for you Until my hair turns grey Rather than Deeply conceal my pure love 即是上天注定的一场缘  你我又何必去苦苦抵挡 Why should we resist Against our own destined romance 只把那颗漂泊的心  于你清风明月般的眸底  妥善安放 I’d simply preserve my long-roaming heart In your eyes gentle as breeze And bright as moon 水湄紫陌  柳飞烟巷  是我们携手走过的  一世情长 I’d let the riversides, purple roads Flying catkins and misty lanes Witness we hand in hand walk through The whole journey of our life, of love 月华如霜  挑灯西窗  锦瑟华年  共舞一曲  云水霓裳 Let the frosty moonlight And our lamp-lit west window See us in prime years Dance our fill in the song Cloud-like Vestures of Rainbow Hue 不惧世事沧桑  不羡鸳鸯成双 I’d fear not vicissitudes of life Nor would I envy lovebirds in pairs 有你的每一天  都是我梦里的天堂 As my dreamland would appear Whenever with me you’re here 译者:铁冰 Iceiron 12 .2018