良宵引 作者:李元胜

良宵引 作者:李元胜

2018-12-27    04'04''

主播: 山雨舒屋

208 2

良宵引           文/李元胜 你读到爱时,爱已经不在 你读到春天,我已落叶纷飞   一个人的阅读,和另一个人的书写 有时隔着一杯茶,有时,隔着生死   我喜欢删节后的自我,很多人爱着,我剪下的枝条 直到,奇迹出现了,你用阅读追上了我   你读到一粒沙的沉默 而我,置身于它里面的惊涛骇浪中 ​ The wonderful night Prelude By Li yuansheng ……Translated by Yun When you read the love, it's gone When you read the Spring,I'm falling leaves. One' s reading, and one's writing . Sometimes separated by a cup of tea, sometimes separated by life and death. I like me after myself abridged Many people love my branches trimmed Until, by some miracle, you caught up with me by your reading You read the silence of a grain of sand And I, in the stormy .