Five Poems on Pain
舒然 By Shu Ran
疼痛是快乐的私生子 金风吹过半熟的玉米地 月光也刚刚路过 我深爱这秋天的叶子 像爱着人间的烟火 疼痛一次、记忆一生 一个笑容有糯玉米的味道 想着想着就忘记了 不疼了
pain is the bastard of happiness golden breeze blows over half-ripe cornfields the moonlight has just passed by I love autumn leaves so deeply like loving smoke and fire in the world pain for once, memory for life a smile has the taste of waxy corn I just forget while I keep thinking and then feel no pain
老人说 不要去揭疼痛的伤疤 等它自己老去 可是 旧的老得太慢了 新的生得太慢了 疼痛是错了时间 该老的未老 该生的未生
the old man tells us not to expose the scar of pain but to wait for it to grow old on its own however the old is aging too slow the new is born too slow pain takes the wrong time what should be old doesn't get old what should be born hasn't been born
终于可以与疼痛做一场游戏 清晨把它推到山顶 黄昏等它滚到山脚 疼痛每夜都说 如果你不爱我 春天它就不会来 年复一年日复一日 每当我和它手牵手走过秋天 山路上每一片叶子就微笑
eventually I can play a game with pain in the early morning I push it to the top of the hill at dusk I let it roll down to the foot of the hill each night pain says: if you do not love me I will not come in spring year after year, day after day when I pass autum hand in hand with it each leaf on the hill path will smile
上一刻的拥有 便是下一刻的失去 众生众相 呈现全然之貌 刹那的永恒 皆是彼时的虚无
the gain of the last moment will be the loss of the next moment all living creatures with various forms present a complete picture all the instant eternity is the nihility at that time
断肠雨 下得这么悲壮 连雷声也呜咽了 噼里啪啦的一串响耳 打得不平静的江湖 也平静了
the heart-broken rain falls so sadly and movingly that the thunder sobs the sounds shocking the ears beat the uncalm rivers and lakes so severely that they calm down