娜塔莉亚  作者:叶如钢(中英)

娜塔莉亚 作者:叶如钢(中英)

2019-02-02    06'59''

主播: 山雨舒屋

167 2

第八首诗 娜塔丽娅 文/叶如钢 当你被冰雪封存,身不能动, 但是你美得惊心 在暗夜冥冥之中,我感觉到你肌肤冰冷 你必然是我的女人,你已经是我的女人 当你被火焰灼烧,痛苦惨烈,但是你的美丽超越火焰 在太阳照射之下,我感受到你肌肤热烈 你必然是我的女人,你已经是我的女人 当你被虎狼包围、撕咬,恐惧、惨痛,但是你目光纯净、明亮 在手铐脚镣、躯体锁链之中,我感受到你圣洁、坚强 拥抱你,我的天使,我的女人 拥抱你的冰冷,你的热烈,你的明亮, 你的圣洁 拥抱你美妙身体,拥抱你精致灵魂 你必然是我的女人,你已经是我的女人 这不顾一切,这劈骨撕心,这绚丽绽放和化为灰烬 这雪崩,这无边无际的地裂山崩 Song VIII Natalia By Rugang YE When you are frozen in snow and ice, and can't move But your beauty is stunning In the dark night I feel your body is cold You must be my woman, and you are already my woman When you are being scorched in flames, and suffer huge pain But your beauty surpasses the flames In sunshine I feel your body is hot You must be my woman, and you are already my woman And I carry secret fire in my heart To melt the snow and ice And I carry secret water In my heart To put out the flames And I carry secret fire in my heart To ignite your heart And I carry secret water in my heart To nurture grass and flower in your heart