20第五片小土地  作者:赵九皋

20第五片小土地 作者:赵九皋

2019-03-16    05'14''

主播: 山雨舒屋

107 1

第五片小土地 背景音乐:川井郁子 - Cobalt Moon The Fifth Stretch of Land 赵九皋 By Zhao Jiugao 在渴望的眼中 时间是一枚坚果 躺在阳光的手掌里 听取,涛声一片 in the eager eyes time is a nut lying in the palm of the sun and listening to the sound of waves 每次出海 都有渔获的惊喜 手掌与鱼的距离 正是,心与海的距离 each time going out to sea I'm surprised by fishery harvest the distance between palm and fish is just that between the heart and the sea 远去的落日 是一块小小的铜币 一面朝着白天 一面朝着黑夜 the fading sunset is a small copper coin one side toward the day the other toward the night 彼岸的花 是一朵流彩的云 我想她时,近 我看她时,远 the flower of the other shore is a cloud with flowing colors I feel it's so near when I miss her yet so far when I gaze at her 无心剑译于2018年11月14日。