假如我离开,请不要相信  作者:汪贵沿(三语)

假如我离开,请不要相信 作者:汪贵沿(三语)

2019-04-21    14'29''

主播: 山雨舒屋

94 2

《假如我離開,請不要相信》 作者:汪贵沿 背景音乐:Werner Thomas-Mifune - Jacqueline's Tear If I Pass Away, Please Don’t Believe It Author/WANG Guiyan Translator/Beatrice 假如我離開 請不要相信 請不要相信煤是黑色的 這陰暗潮濕的礦堆 點燃便是光明 點燃便是熱烈的火 If I pass away Please don’t believe it Please don’t believe coal is black The dark and dank coal dump If it’s lit, there will be light If it’s lit, there will be warm fire 假如我離開 請不要相信 請不要相信天平是公正的 這籌碼與平衡的支點 總會被人悄悄輕挪 If I pass away Please don’t believe it Please don’t believe the scale is just The weights and the balance pivot are always secretly changed 假如我離開 請不要相信 請不要相信冬天是寒冷的 小動物們相擁而眠 哪一個的血管中 流淌的不是親情的歌 If I pass away Please don’t believe it Please don’t believe winter is cold Small animals hibernate side by side In whichever blood vessels there flows Are the songs of family ties 總之啊 對著這個世界 你們不要相信 不要相信那些文字 不要相信那些傳播 不要相信那些仇恨 就象霧霾之下相信 城市被一張屍布的包裹 Anyway Facing this world You shouldn’t believe Don’t believe in those words Don’t believe in the propagation Don’t believe in the hatred But believe in haze Cities are wrapped by a shroud 當然對這個世界 你們也必須有著相信 你們要相信陽光的溫度 你們要相信時間的脈博 你們要相信親情友情和善良 你們要相信夜晚之後的黎明 會將所有的謎底撕破 Of course, regarding this world You should hold a belief You should believe in the warmth of sunshine You should believe in the pulse of time You should believe in family ties, friendship, and kindness You should believe the dawn after night Will tear the answers to all puzzles 如果你是我的愛人 你就把我看作早落的樹葉 你也要盡快堅強成樹 好讓我放心地離開 如今,我只能在空中 划過長長的嘆息 作為對你未來的牽掛 作為對你生活最後的撫摸 If you’re my lover You’d better regard me as the leaves fallen early And you should be as strong as trees So that I can pass away at ease Now I can only sigh Deeply in the air Which is my worry about your future And my last caress of your life 如果你是我的兒子 你就把我看作不該出現的墳墓 你要先用它埋掉你的無助 你的痛苦你的怨忿 在這墳堆里留一腔正氣和愛 再讓它開放成你人生的花朵 If you’re my son You’d better regard me as the tomb that shouldn’t appear You should bury your helplessness in it first Then your pain and resentment But leave behind integrity and love Then let them bloom in your life 如果你是我的兄弟 你就把我看成一支早點的香 我們這香爐是有血有汗有義的家 兄弟間毎一段情都是燃燒 兄弟間每一顆心都可以過火 在這家裡我是早走的大哥 If you’re my brother You’d better regard me as a stick of incense burned early Our family is the censer with blood, sweat, and justice Our affection for each other is blazing We’re friendly to each other In this family, I’m elder brother, yet I’ve passed away early 假如我離開 你們應該堅信 堅信我的名字是水 堅信我噙在眼中是淚滴 堅信我升在天空是雲朵 堅信我站立是雪峰冰峰 堅信我躺下 就是洶湧澎湃的大河 If I pass away You should hold a firm belief That my name is water That my eyes are wet with tears That, rising, I’m a cloud in the sky Standing, I’m the mountain peak with snow and ice That if I lie down I’m a surging river 你們要堅信這河的國度 將來都會由海洋來述說 You should believe the future of the river Will be told by the sea