里尔克的豹+一个音符过去了  叶延滨诗两首

里尔克的豹+一个音符过去了 叶延滨诗两首

2019-04-25    14'24''

主播: 山雨舒屋

101 2

背景音乐:赵海洋 - 《夜色钢琴曲》天之大 - 赵海洋 赵海洋 刘愉愉 - 1023《夜色钢琴曲》秋思叶落 爱情是里尔克的豹 Love Is Rilke's Panther 叶延滨 By Ye Yanbin 爱情是动作迅疾的事件 象风,迎面扑来的风 象鹰,发现目标敛翅的鹰 象闪电,你刚发现了又隐没的闪电 从此,一切 都不再和以前一样了 love is a series of swift movements like the wind that blows against you like the hawk who folds its wings on spotting his target like the lightning that disappears as soon as you notice it since then, everything is no longer the same anymore 爱情是里尔克的豹 在铁栅那边走啊走啊 而你隔着铁栅 望着那豹发着绿光的眼眼说 等待,还是死亡 love is Rilke's panther walking over the iron fence yet through the fence you look into its green glowing eyes and say wait or die 爱情是大树 是橡树和青枫 所有枝条都交错的天空 是树下的小花 花儿正初绽露水中的花蕾 是花边的小草 是丛中有一处坟茔 是坟茔里两个人安静地躺着 love is a big tree the sky where all branches of oak and green maple are interlaced a small flower under the tree beginning to bud in the dew the grass by the flower and a tomb in the bushes inside which two people lie quietly 两个人都在回忆 头一次约会的那个晚上 躺在草丛里 数着满天星......  both are reflecting on their first dating night when they lay on the grass counting a skyful of stars 译于2019年4月14日。 一个音符过去了 A Musical Note Has Gone Away 叶延滨 By Ye Yanbin 一个音符过去了 那个旋律还在飞扬,那首歌 还在我们的头上传唱 a musical note has gone away the melody is still flying, the song is still going on over our heads 一滴水就这么挥发了 在浪花飞溅之后,浪花走了 那个大海却依旧辽阔 a drop of water is gone just like that gone with the splashing, yet the sea is still there, as boundless as before 一根松叶像针一样掉了 落在森林的地衣上,而树林迎着风 还是吟咏着松涛的雄浑 a pine leaf has fallen like a needle on the lichen of the forest, yet the trees still chant the vigorous pine-waves 一只雁翎从空中飘落了 秋天仍旧在人字的雁阵中,秋天仍旧 让霜花追赶着雁群南下 a feather of wild goose has floated down from the sky autumn is still with the flock of wild geese flying in V-shape and still hastens frost flowers to chase the wild geese heading south 一盏灯被风吹灭了 吹灭灯的村庄在风中,风中传来 村庄渐低渐远的狗吠声 a lamplight has been blown out by the wind in the wind stands the darkened village, from where the barking is gradually fading out 一颗流星划过了夜空 头上的星空还那么璀灿,仿佛从来如此 永远没有星子走失的故事 a shooting star has flied across the night sky the starry sky is still as bright as usual, as if nothing has happened there will never be any story of astray stars 一根白发悄然离去了 一只手拂过额头,还在搜索 刚刚写下的这行诗句—— a white hair has quietly left a hand sweeps my forehead, still searching for the poetic line that has just been jotted down 啊,一个人死了,而我们想着他的死 他活在我们想他的日子 日子说:他在前面等你…… oh, a man is gone, we commemorate his death so he still lives in the time when we're thinking of him the time will say: he's waiting for you ahead 译于2019年4月16日。