火柴  作者:叶文福

火柴 作者:叶文福

2019-04-29    07'04''

主播: 山雨舒屋

119 2

火柴 叶文福 Matches By Ye Wenfu 翻译:徐春满 背景音乐:久石譲 - おくりびと~on record~ 可怜一家子, 挤一间没有窗门的斗室 个个都渺小,渺小得全家一个名字 Poor family Squeezed in a small room without windows and doors Every one is so tiny that the whole family just has only one name. 但是,个个都正直 站着是擎天柱的缩影 躺下,是一行待燃的诗 每个人都有一颗自己的头颅 Yet everyone is honest. To stand upright, everyone becomes the epitome of Optimus Prime To lie down, everyone becomes a line of poems waiting to burn Everyone has his own head. 每人,一生 只发言一次,光的发言 火的发言 Everyone delivers a speech only once in his whole life Speech by Light Speech by fire 燃烧的生命,高举鲜艳的旗帜 明知言罢即死却前仆后继 The burning life, holding high the bright banner Advancing in one wave after another, In defiance of death after finishing that speech 深懂得:一次发言 是一生的宗旨,是神圣的天职呵, Every one understands that the speech is the purpose of life And is the sacred duty, 火柴 伟大的家族,英雄一家子 莫说渺小,个个都是斗士 Oh, matches Great family and heroic family Don't despise their tininess Every one is a warrior