

2019-05-16    07'01''

主播: 山雨舒屋

172 2

阳光的味道 文/穆紫荆(德国) 背景音乐:nicolas de angels~le pertum des The Flavor of the Sun By MU Zijing (Germany) Tr. Beatrice 犹如仙女金色的发丝 带着出浴后的湿润 随意而又含羞地一甩 根根绿色的草尖啊 开始激动地含泪欢呼 Like the golden hair of fairies With the moisture of taking a shower And with a swing casually but coyly Ah, the tops of green grass stalks Begin to cheer in tears excitedly 山峦上的树影 调皮地捉起了迷藏 小鸟们叽叽喳喳 在影与影之间跳跃、飞翔 Shadows of trees on a chain of mountains Are playing hide and seek naughtily Birdies are twittering Hopping and hovering among shadows 我打开窗户 深深地吸一口这仙味儿 五脏六腑竟也随之温暖愉悦 I open the windows To take a deep breath of this immortal flavor Then, the internal organs of my body are also warm and cheerful 明亮灿烂下的万物啊 共鸣出天使般的合唱 蓝天下的白云 是仙女披在肩头的轻纱 Ah, all things are bright and splendid Which resonates like a chorus of angels White clouds in the blue sky Are a fine gauze draping the shoulders of fairies 而我 沐浴在这美丽之中 咏叹起生命 我的太阳 While I Bathed in this beauty Sing lives My sun
上一期: 徐启智诗两首
下一期: 酒歌……古土