

2019-06-17    05'44''

主播: 山雨舒屋

99 1

梁邦彦 - 风の誓い 《陪伴 微诗》 Companion 邓瑛 By Deng Ying 01 愿手捧诗书 笔中有字堆砌成文 心有所依情有所暖 I wish to hold a poetry book writing proses with my words on which my heart and love rely 02 手捧余香 笔下有情方作句 心有所向也风光 I hold lingering scent in my hand no verse can be made without love it's so nice that my heart finds its way 03 五洲柳 年年折枝诉相守 与君月下一杯酒 willows across five continents snapped for yearning year by year a cup of wine with you in the moonlight 04 燕双双 春来北归飞秋凉 从不孤影忙 swallows always fly in pair north in spring, south in autumn one will never leave the other alone 无心剑 译于2018年11月27日。
上一期: 启智~致盛红
下一期: 奔跑~邓瑛(三语)