新桃花源记  作者:杨克(三语)

新桃花源记 作者:杨克(三语)

2019-07-01    14'23''

主播: 山雨舒屋

185 1

新桃花源记 文/杨克 英译/梁道本 背景音乐:F.Be.I - 沉香 骆集益 周志华 - 芳华如梦 灼灼桃花 像一滴滴溅在树上的 爱情的血   少年鲜衣怒马,举步生风 辜负了夹岸的粉颜 枝头上环佩叮当,招摇十里春风 一朵红,黯淡了千山 仗剑天涯的翩翩公子 拱手一别,花开花谢孤寂千年 直至桨声咿呀 葛衣麻巾的武陵渔郎,摇醒 别有洞天的世外桃源 哪一抹笑靥,是转世的桃花 哪一步盛放的,是前世的羁绊 桃花劫桃花债,命犯桃花 涉水复涉水,逃逃逃,逃到烟之外 春风江路上,不觉到仙家 桃花髻桃花腮桃花眼 终于安心这不寻常的山水 桃花的精魂月白风清 漂洒遁世了无牵挂 而今武陵溪上,骤见你临水梳妆 桃花乱落如红雨 问津亭,豁然台 姑娘含羞,桃花也含羞 触碰了我内心的那一念 若是桃花了你不开 姹紫嫣红也是苍白 此时,南山依旧嵯峨在远天 东篱的菊花怡然自得 我写下的诗,就是夷望溪和厮罗溪 漂落的桃瓣 流到仙源陶氏族谱,第二卷第十六页 一回头桃之夭夭,灿若云霞 落英缤纷的此刻 记起我是五百年前负了小姐的书生 庄周的蝴蝶在梁山伯的身体醒来 Story of the New Peach Blossom Spring   Peach blossoms shines splashing on trees like drops of love's blood a youth, brightly clad reins a darting horse , wind at his heels, has let down the maiden of the yonder bank a sash ring tinkles from a tree branch, flirting with ten li of Spring wind one red blossom dulls thousand mountains the elegant youth wields his sword and roves around two hands folds to drift apart as flowers bloom and wilt in the solitude of a thousand years then—the sound of oars a Wu-Ling fisherman, clad in kudzu hemp, awakens the other-worldly Peach Spring here dimples are the rebirth of peach blossoms robust steps are fetters from a prior life love kalpa and love debt, love from another life wading though waters, escaping to the outside of smoke Spring wind on the river’s road, suddenly arriving at the Immortal's home peach blossom buns, peach blossom cheeks, peach blossom eyes finally settled with uncanny mountains and rivers the essence of peach blossoms — moon bright and wind clear drifting about the world with not a care therein and today at Wu Ling river, i suddenly see you putting on your colors peach blossoms fall like red rain on the Pavilion of Asking, on Sudden Terrace the lady is shy, the peach blossoms as well if it's peach blossomed, you rather wouldn't deep purple and bright red are also pale at this moment, South Mountain is still a precipice in the sky the Eastern hedges feels at home and content with themselves the poetry I write is just Yiwang River and Siluo Stream peach petals falling falling into Yuanming's genealogy, page sixteen of volume two a turn of the head and the peach has ripened, glimmering like clouds at sunset in this moment of falling flowers I remember that I am a student of five hundred years ago that carried a lady Master Zhuang's butterfly awakens in Liang Shanbo's body
上一期: 红月亮~三周庆
下一期: 刘向阳诗两首