

2019-07-05    05'52''

主播: 山雨舒屋

160 2

Liking Rainy Days Ying deng-Klein 邓瑛 德 国 (樱子 毛毛) 背景音乐:Dan Gibson - Nature's Path 英译:无心剑 By Deng Ying 不知从何时起 雨天便是我的期待 ——喜欢雨天 I don't know from when rainy days are what I expect oh, I like the rainy days 拧息喧嚣 抛远繁杂 伞外滴答冷雨 伞下是一个温暖世界 衣襟湿润润 心儿湿润润 连屏住的呼吸 呼吸也湿润润 沿着这条心的小路 去聆听滴答碎荷声 雨声淼淼 飘落天际 I snuff out the noise and cast away trivalities outside the umbrella drips cold rain yet under it is a warm world my dress is splashed wet my heart is getting wet and my held breath is also getting wet I go along the way of my heart listening to pitter-patters on lotus so vast and gentle, the rain flutters from the skyline 译于2018年12月6日。
上一期: 孔雀河~桑山
下一期: 孔雀河之2~桑山