

2019-09-29    06'51''

主播: 山雨舒屋

140 1

The Very Morning By Sun Jian-jun 背景音乐:Nicolas de Angelis - Anna in the Mirror Just the very morning you are daylight that I said a prayer for you Wind blowing from high layers of heaven clouds were coming quietly Skylarks flying into the clouds warm sunshine caressed my face Light yellow is the first morning light Drizzle breaks ripples dispersing It's your call wafting over me It's spring water flowings through my heart Dreams light up my window lattice The distant news knocks on my door ring Just the very morning you are You're the one from afar,  we're finally reunited thousands of words but we're silent Just listening in the name of morn we have the silence of heartbeat       English translated by Chen Zihong 那个早晨 孙建军 你就是那个早晨 是祈祷开启的天光 有风自高天吹过 有云朵悄然降临 有鸟鸣窜入云端 有阳光暖暖地扑面 有鹅黄萌发出晨曦 有细雨敲开漪涟 有呼唤飘然而至 有春水直泻心田 有梦境映射窗棂 有远方轻叩门环 你就是那个早晨 你是久别重逢的遥远 我们什么都不说 仅以早晨的名义倾听 感悟心跳的无言