

2019-10-14    10'44''

主播: 山雨舒屋

164 4

又是人间四月天 Again the world’s April day  一一致敬林徽因 My tribute to Lin Huiyin 孙建军 By Sun Jianjun 英译:徐春满 背景音乐:群星 - 我不知道风是在哪一个方向吹(演奏曲)     又是人间的四月天 借你曾点亮的四面和风 轻轻诵读你四月的吟唱 向你轻灵的微笑致敬 向你经久的美丽致敬 Again the world’s April day  With all the gentle wind you 've lit up I am mesmerized by your April chant in the ray Salute to your smile Salute to the enduring beauty you display   行云一如流水的高处 你将温暖交舞为透明的爱意 化作春风碧草轮回的云烟 乍暖还寒时节 将晨曦吹拂为黄昏的柔软 最是那些无名花朵 星子一样 在细技末节匍匐的低处 无意间地争相闪出 便忍不住频频回眸 偷看那轻,那娉婷的容颜 并且,暗自以细雨点点的遐想 解读她人间四月的私语 以及少女心事的缠绵 膜拜她冰清玉洁的天真 向往她天荒地老的庄严 Clouds are floating like water flows day by day Your spring dance carries your transparent love Melting into clouds as the green grass and spring breeze sway In the alternating warmth and coldness You blow the dawn into dusk gay Most of all, those nameless flowers, like stars Unknowingly jostling to flash in splendid way While creeping low silently, I couldn't help but look back without delay Peeping at your slender and graceful face And, secretly with drizzles of reverie like spray I interpret your April whispers  And your lingering thoughts of a fay I  worship your pure innocence And I yarn for your dignity as eternal flame   又是人间四月天 是你一年一季的新芽 是你一丛一树的花蕊 是你一岁一年的喜悦 是你一宵一夜的梦圆 而诗的意境,终归如是你说 是爱,是暖,是希望 是我看见中的膜拜 是我膜拜中的看见 你是人间的四月天 Again the world’s April day  It's your new bud once a year It's your boughs of flowers on a tree It's the joy of being one year old. It's your dream coming true each day The artistic conception of poetry is, like what you say Love,  warmth and hope It's the worship I see. It's what I see in my worship. You're the World’s April day.