

2019-11-16    04'29''

主播: 山雨舒屋

189 3

烟雨遥望/文Ying deng-Klein 邓瑛 德国(樱子毛毛) 背景音乐:姫神 - 一人静 Looking into the Rain and Smoke   今生, 我踏遍千山万水, 只为与你相遇。 但愿         时光不曾      将你的身影催逝, 我便            烟雨遥望         你走过的绿野仙踪; 今世,          我追随天涯海角, 只为与你相守。 但愿          尘嚣不曾将你的清心磨灭, 我便         染尽笔墨你度过的微风细雨;   Looking into the Rain and Smoke By Ying deng-Klein     In my life, I traverse numerous mountains and rivers, In order to meet with you. Wishing that Time will never elapse with your figure, I will then Look into the rain and smoke For your footprints in the green fields; In the world, I chase you to the land's end, In order to be with you forever. Wishing that Your pure heart will never be worn out in the hustle and bustle, I will then Live through your breeze and drizzle exhausting my sweet whisper.