

2019-12-14    05'25''

主播: 山雨舒屋

160 1

夜未央 The night is not ended 文/穆紫荆(德国) By Mu Zijing (Germany) 翻译:徐春满 背景音乐:渡辺俊幸 - 拓郎のテーマ   越来越少了心事 With Less and less worries 只剩年岁痴长 I just keep growing elder and elder year by year 夜幕中也不见了星 The stars disappeared from the sky 唯有灯下的情侣 Leaving only lovers under the lights 还在说无休止的爱语 Still speaking endless tender words 有一本书 There is a book 翻来翻去地没完没了 I keep turning page after page 其实里面也只有三个字 And tasting that three simple words 却每夜都让我念了再念 I can not refrain from reading them t every night 听不厌的人坐在宽宽的河上 The man who never get tired of listening sat on the river side 他的微笑像梦里的月 His smile was like a moon in a dream 年少时游走不停 I kept wandering when I was young 到老才知躺着最是舒服 You begin to realize how comfortable to lie down only when you're old enough 不知不觉夜已央 However before you know it, the night is over 如白驹过隙 Like a flash 我们骑着光阴 We rode the time 笑谈童年 Recalling our childhood joyfully      
上一期: 送别秋雁–Helen(三语)
下一期: 灵犀诗两首