

2020-01-16    06'26''

主播: 山雨舒屋

149 1

这个危险的夜 文/厉雄(西班牙) 译/静好(英国)   夜静静地,多么危险啊 一滴血试图 和一滴雪,拼接起来 避重就轻 世态炎凉的世界啊,光阴上长满雪花   从小雪,等到大雪 日子上流着水,雪还不见醒来 空等的花期,在窗下浮沉 从西楼,望断天涯 整夜整夜,脸颊与北风互搏   无非是再次虔诚,斋戒沐浴 双手合十 无非是再次拔出锈迹的长剑 刺破夜,刺破无眠 嗜血的剑啊,滑过塑风 也学会了互搏术,学会掩盖悲喜     Oh, This Dangerous Night      By Li Xiong (Spain) Tr. Jing Hao (UK)           How dangerous it is, the quiet night! A drop of blood tries To connect with a drop of snow, Avoiding heavy things for the light. In this world of fickleness, snowflakes fully grow on the time     Form light snow to heavy one I wait, As the snow hasn't woken up yet, water is flowing all day. The blooming season I am waiting about emerges and sinks under the window frame. To the horizon from the West Tower, I look far away; My cheeks were beating and beaten by the north wind at night until late.   It’s nothing but being pious again, Putting my hands together in prayer;                 It’s nothing but pulling out the rusty sword again, Piercing the night and the non-sleeping state. Oh, the bloodthirsty sword, gliding through the chill wind, Has learned how to mutual-fight, and to put sadness and joy in disguise.