

2020-01-18    06'50''

主播: 山雨舒屋

148 5

无心剑英译黄文江《每当,大地自春光中醒来》 每当,大地自春光中醒来 背景音乐: 程池 高颖 - 如梦 Ricky Ho - 祈祷 Whenever the Earth Awakes from Spring 黄文江 By Huang Wenjiang   每当,大地自春光中醒来 鲜嫩嫩的草芽 开始从枯叶丛中探出头来 望鸟儿们,在光芒中追逐与嬉戏 瞧柳枝儿,开始欢悦地随风舞动 谁的热泪呵,禁不住 淌成故乡的河流? whenever the earth awakes from spring fresh and tender grass shoots begin to poke up from withered leaves watching birds chase and play in the light watching willows dance merrily with the wind whose tears cannot help flowing to be the river of his hometown?   不是说,大地如母亲吗 为何,我时常挂记起的母亲 她还没在和暖的阳光中醒来? 不是说,人生如草木吗 为何,我善良和蔼的母亲 她没有小草一样又重生在我眼前? 不是说,时光的流逝会冲淡记忆吗 为何 ,我阴阳相隔的母亲 她从没走出过我深深的思念? isn't it said that the earth's like mother why has my mother whom I miss often not woken up in the warm sunshine? isn't it said that life's like grass and trees why has my kind and amiable mother not been reborn in front of my eyes? isn't it said that time will dilute memory why has my mother living in another world never walked out of my deep yearning?         母亲,儿没见过女娲女神 我只知道 为儿缝衣补鞋,遮头上雨的是您 您走后 ,季节时常漏雨 思念露着脚丫呵,在故乡 常遥望一颗心,痛若落日的殷红…… mother, I haven't seen goddess Nǚ-wa I only know that it is you who sew clothes and mend shoes for me and shelter me from wind and rain mother, after you left the world seasons often suffer leakage of rain my yearning bares its feet in the hometown often gazing into the distance with a heart painful like the sunset's blackish red... 译于2020年1月16日。