韵~John 海(三语)

韵~John 海(三语)

2020-02-02    03'44''

主播: 山雨舒屋

136 1

韵 文/John 海(纽约) 译/静好(静好)  背景音乐:千年破晓 - 故梦(琵琶版) 优雅动听的旋律 漫山遍野红叶飞舞 皓月当空零星闪烁 金桂飘香秋虫低鸣 花好月圆相思朦胧 月下花前嫦娥绰约 婀娜起舞 舞韵春满人间   Rhythm By John Sea (New York) Tr. Jing Hao (UK)   So elegant and insistent are the melodies: Red leaves flying all over the mountains, The bright, full moon in the sky with few shining stars, Sweet osmanthus perfuming and the autumn insects buzzing, Flowers in full bloom and the moon in full, my lovesickness blur,  Chang Er, before flowers in the moon, dancing with grace, And her dancing rhythm as spring warmth prevailing in the world!