

2020-02-06    15'53''

主播: 山雨舒屋

137 4

背景音乐:Colors of the Land - Dancing in the Moonlight 他说:“非常时期.依然祝福新年!” 吾以为在这非凡的时刻,我们应该知晓:“大自然的珍贵、美好;摒弃人类的自以为是、无知的傲僈、贪婪的索取…… 窃以为:这是【共克时艰】的基础之基础。基础的基础!” He said: I still want to wish you a happy new year in such particular minute! I want to say: In this particular moment, we should affirm below : The preciousness and goodness of nature; discarding our bigness and rightness Ignorant arrogance, greedy demand I think it's the basis of the foundation for us together to overcome difficulties English tr. by Chen Zihong 无心剑.英译邓瑛《新年寄语》 新年寄语 New Year's Wish 邓瑛 By Deng Ying 途经人间 以最优雅的姿态摆渡生命 以最纯粹的心境喂养灵魂 感万物沧桑,品心灵悟语 远去的光阴里 每段故事都会苍老 惟愿故事里的我们一直都好 walking through the human world we ferry life with the most elegant pose and feed our souls with the purest mood let's feel ups and downs of everything and taste enlightened words from hearts in the time lapsing away from us every story will turn old, I only hope we'll be always fine in the story 译于2019年12月29日。 无心剑 英译孙建军《摆渡人间——复邓瑛新年寄语》 摆渡人间 ——复邓瑛新年寄语 Ferrying in the Human World​ — To New Year's Wish Written by Deng Ying 孙建军 By Sun Jianjun 岁月凝眉,逝水碎出流年 寄语新春,和风又拂高天 光阴归来,似曾相识美若依然 远方灼灼,再次点亮彼岸 你说,该摆出新颖的优雅 继续那些未知的故事 以纯粹的姿态 刷出光阴的存在感 years frown, flowing years fragment out of flowing water a message's sent to new spring, breeze caresses the sky again time returns, with a sense of deja vu, beauty remains as before the distant place is so bright, igniting the other shore again you say, we should pose with a novel elegance to continue those unknown stories showing off the existence of time with a pure posture 也听到你不经意的喟叹 所有的故事都会苍老 而如是你说,我亦惟愿 一任野渡无人,抑或老病孤舟 距离之间,有呼唤就好 心灵之间,有善解就好 愿景之间,有守望就好 苦海之间,有摆渡就好 好在转身遇秋,曾也悲天悯人 好在回眸是春,还写人间温暖 I also hear your casual sigh all the stories will grow old and as what you say, I also wish that nobody stands at the bleak ferry or I grow old and fall sick on a lonely boat between two places, it's good to have a gentle call between two hearts, it's good to have kind understanding between two visions, it's good to have expecting between two bitter seas, it's good to have a ferry it's good to meet autumn when we turn round we once bewailed the times and pitied the people it's good to meet spring when we glance back we still write warm stories in the human world 译于2020年2月1日。 无心剑 英译杨景荣《摆渡人间——亦复邓瑛新年寄语》 摆渡人间 ——亦复邓瑛新年寄语 Ferrying in the Human World — To New Year's Wish Written by Deng Ying 杨景荣 By Yang Jingrong 回眸是春 桃花不见少年影 转身遇秋 红叶纷飞雁成行 乌啼日落悲寂寥 古道西风曳月光 spring's there when I glance back yet peach flowers are young no more I encounter autumn on turning around red leaves flutter and wild geese fly in lines lonely grief grows when a crow caws at sunset west wind on the ancient road sways the moonlight 孤帆残照 白浪滔天梦无常 沧海倦归 尘缘轮回诗泊岸 寺钟依旧杵空苦 无常即常人随安 a lonely sail basks in the setting sun the dream of high waves is impermanent the vast sea feels tired and wants to go home in the ever-cycling destiny poems moor to the bank the temple bell rings as before and the pestle suffers in vain let's take things as they are for impermanence is just permanence 似曾相识 游子已成故乡客 把酒长歌 往事依稀人沧桑 青云飞坠紫云起 红尘浮生白雪飏 with the deja vu experience the wanderer has been a hometown's guest singing a long song with a glass of wine in his hand the bygones seem misty with the human ups and downs the blue clouds falls and the purple clouds rise snow is flying in the floating life of the mortal world 译于2020年2月4日。