

2020-03-10    04'03''

主播: 山雨舒屋

96 2

无心剑英译邓瑛《无语》 无语 Speechless 邓瑛 By Ying deng-Klein 时差和距离 东方的凌晨 西方的傍晚 无语的涂鸦 time lag and distance the morning of the East the evening of the West the speechless doodle — 闪烁我眼际 泪流满面— 无语—无语 胜似—胜似 千言万语— 万语千言 glitters before my eyes with tears rolling on my face speechless, speechless yet it feels better than thousands of words 今天38节 应该专属于 你们美丽的 白衣天使 战一一线 所有女性! today is women's day which should just belong to the beautiful angels in white — all the women on the frontline of fighting against the plague 包括那些 勇于担当 义不容辞 因疫而逝 所有的人 including all those people ​who bravely take responsibilities in a duty-bound manner and sacrifice their lives for fighting the plague ​ 译于2020年3月​9日。