

2020-07-09    06'02''

主播: 山雨舒屋

190 2

作者:穆紫荆(德国)   山乡夜雨 A Rainy Night at the Mountain Village --by Mu Zijing (Germany) --Translated by Chen Yong   我还记得那名叫凤凰的山城 从窗外飘进来的风 透着阴冷的湿 卷缩在潮叽叽的被褥下 和沈从文的字谈话 I still remember the mountain town named Phoenix Where, from outside of the window The wind contained cold dampness In a dampened bedding, I cloistered myself With Shen Congwen in a discourse in words   石板路在月光下泛着水光 铜壶、斗笠,和飘着香气的茶 忽隐忽现,像梦中的偶遇 很多人在灯光里来来往往 甚至有一个还非要跟我同游 In the moon, the stab road glowed in water Copper pot, bamboo hat, and fragrant tea Flickered like an encounter in the dream Many people came and went in the light And one even wanted to go with me for a tour   各式各样的招牌引诱着我们 寻找可以爬上去摘星星的梯子 有人喝醉了 将云捻成一根根雨丝 我听见老天在叫:留下留下! Allured by the various shop signs We tried to find a ladder to climb skywards To cull the stars Some got drunk and twisted the clouds into silky rain I heard the Lord calling: stay here, stay here!   看不见脚下的路 却看得见山和山里的灯 我们在清冷的空气里留影 记住今天的日子,你轻轻地说 忽然,水车开始转动 我们被水声抛出人间 Seeing no road afoot But the mountain
上一期: 山乡夜雨
下一期: 空白~雪野(三语)