

2020-08-16    05'07''

主播: 山雨舒屋

127 2

夏/Ying deng-Klein 邓瑛 德国(樱子毛毛) Summer   By Ying Deng-Klein (Germany) Translated by Chen Yong   夏来, 暑气渐浓, 绿荫袅袅里, 花木扶疏间安身 As summer is here The heat is reigning high I would rather settle myself Amid the luxuriant and well-placed Flowers and trees In the green shade   于是, 可以枕着翠绿 做一个有着花香的梦, 然后 借一把云梯,扶摇直上。 Whereby I can snuggle down in the emerald green And have a dream with floral scent Then with an aerial ladder borrowed I can ascend into the sky   天上仅一日, 人间岁月长, 我们还来得及 给时间以时间。 In the heaven only one day That makes ages in the mortal world Where we still have time To give time the time needed   我们 .......我们 还可以 给所有的梦想以开始, 给所有的美好以期待, 给所有逝去的岁月 留一盏心灯。 We, ...and we Can still Give a beginning To all the dreams And expectations of all things fine While leaving a beacon of heart behind  All the bygone days and nights