

2020-09-25    03'00''

主播: 山雨舒屋

198 2

长相思·中秋 文/穆紫荆(德国) Lovesickness on the Mid-Autumn Day By Mu Zijing (Germany) Translated by Chen Yong   人儿圆,月儿圆,天地之间正好眠。 听钟自远山。   Full family reunion, full moon between earth and sky It's the right time for a good slumber Whilst listening to the toll from distant mountains   树稍燕,双飞燕,剪对窗花传世缘。 故乡情暗叹。 Swallows on the treetop A pair of flying swallows Making a pair of paper-cut patterns on the window to pass on the lifetime destiny Suspiring at the nostalgic sentiments  for my hometown