

2021-02-06    06'53''

主播: 山雨舒屋

103 1

雪在融化 文|厉雄(西班牙) 译|静好(英国)   慢条斯理,以肉眼看不见的速度 不热烈 一定是不忍心 让人间失去洁白无瑕的修辞   单调的白,思想干净 简洁而优雅 如同性格安静的女子 没有雕琢,也不懂浓妆艳抹 只是将一瓣瓣六角形铺在尘土上 以自己的躯体 阻隔人世间的浮躁、血腥和忧伤   雪在融化 其实是她笑出来的泪 当已经抚慰了伤痕累累的大地 修补了人世的伤口 在快速盛开之后 双手合十,虔诚地一步步接近天堂        雪在融化 如同下雪时那样的美,只是将体温 交到母亲的肚子里 从不自惭形秽,从不怨天尤人 淡然地叙述 自己的傲骨和言语的芬芳        Snow is melting By Li Xiong (Spain) Tr. Jinghao (UK) Slowly, at a speed invisible to the naked eye Not enthusiastically Snow must could not bear to Let people lose their white and flawless rhetoric Monotonously white and in clean thoughts She is simple and elegant Like a quiet lady Not sculpting nor knowing heavy makeup Just spreading a petal hexagon on the dust With her own body To block the impetuousness, blood and sadness in the world Snow is melting That was actually the tears from her laugh When the scarred earth had been soothed And the wounds of the world have been repaired After such quick blooming She puts her hands together and approaches heaven step by step, religiously. Snow is melting She’s as beautiful as when it’s falling, but only passes the body temperature Into its mother's belly She never feel ashamed, nor complain about others But only narrates with indifference Her pride and the fragrance of the words