

2021-06-16    03'51''

主播: 山雨舒屋

133 2

《所言极是》 作者 Ying deng Klein 鄧瑛 德国(櫻子毛毛) 两个灵魂默契的人, 可以一夜废话到天亮, 也可以一语不发 相看两不厌。 所言极是..... 你懂得他豁达 背后不折的隐忍, 他明白你孤傲之下 隐藏的柔软。 所言极是...... 他不仅仅 看透你散落于 字语间的言外之意, 你不止是理解 他相顾一笑的深意。 而是, 你是他所有 秘而不宣的心事, 他是你一切 欲言又止的倾诉。 无论悲与苦, 真正懂你的人, 总是比你更早一步的, 更早一步的—— 疼至心扉。 What's Said Is Quite Right Written by Ying Deng-Klein Translated by Wei Hongxia Two souls who have tacit understanding Can talk a load of garbage until the daybreak Or say no word all night, Not tired of looking at each other. What's said is quite right. You understand his uncompromised stoicism Behind his open-mindedness; He understands your hidden softness Under your aloofness and pride. What's said is quite right. He not only Sees through what you really mean, Which is beyond words; You not only understand His affection when he smiles at you knowingly, But You are the one that weighs on his mind, Which he keeps secret; He is the one to whom you want to confide But hesitate. Whether you're sad or miserable, Those who understand you truly Are always aching to the heart One step earlier, One step earlier than you.