

2021-08-15    01'36''

主播: 山雨舒屋

71 1

中秋思慈母 双语作者|静好(英国) 三语朗诵|云朵(中文)&云舒(英粤)   秋空明月悬 感伤悄然起 遥望东方 慈母今安在?           去年中秋时 慈母托人送来月饼 电话里细叮咛 女儿在远方 慈母日日牵挂   今夜月圆似去年 只是多了一份离愁 少了母亲的关爱与呵护 母在天堂儿在凡世 天上人间泪婆娑   切好月饼斟满酒 邀慈母与儿同享 举杯对月 祝慈母天堂安好         Thinking of My Mother at Mid-Autumn Festival By Jinghao (UK)   In the Autumn sky the moon hangs high In a quiet sentimental mood I look into the East and wonder: Where is my loving mother today?     Last Mid-Autumn Festival My loving mother sent me moon cakes and Urge me on phone again and again to take care of myself Daughter is far away, she sends her love and Cares for me every day   The full moon tonight is like last year But just a bit more sorrow Without the love and care of mother Mother is in heaven and I am in the mortal world There are tears in the sky and on the earth   Cutting the moon cake and filing cups with wine I invite my loving mother to join with me Share a toast to the moon Loving mother in heaven, I hope that you are in peace