

2021-08-25    02'11''

主播: 山雨舒屋

57 1

【海外诗译】 七律·中国象棋(外一首) 双语作者|任诚刚(中国) 三合合诵|云朵(中文)& 云舒(英、粤) 围拢棋盘神聚凝, 楚河汉界布屯兵。 日斜马踏炮翻岭, 田阔象飞车纵横。 黑守仕双生后顾, 红攻卒一死前争。 过河卒子谁能敌, 营垒帅巢将一声。 Seven-character Octave Chinese Chess Around the chessboard gather watchers and players old, Chu River and Han Border set up an armed stronghold The cannons would fire over the ridge and runs the steed, On field elephants fly, chariots go back and forth deed. The twin bodyguards fight till death on its side of black, The red side pawns cross the river for heroic attack. Who can stop crossing river straight moving the red pawn? In camp the old king is terrified and killed in morn. 2. 破阵子•人机对弈 国际棋坛对阵, 人机智慧来拼。 首战机屏专找空, 二斗棋王颇费心。 子挪数转针*。 再试高招举定, 触头电脑昏晕。 俯首称臣机自败, 理序编程人固抡。 赢谁机愧吟。 注:指时针。起初,挪动一棋子,棋王曾花费一、二个小时的时间。 Tune:Broken Defence Man-machine Chess Game In the International Chess game, Intelligence of Man-machine vie. In the first set, to find space machine is so sly, In the second set, the man is bothered a lot. Each move hours of time* he got. Try again, with particular trick easy, This time man makes computer dizzy. The machine bows its head, admitting defeat, Human beings design it programmed. Who will win? The machine feels ashamed Note: At first, the king of chess (man) takes an hour or two to move a piece.