12. Dear Class of 2020  RM cut

12. Dear Class of 2020 RM cut

2020-06-08    03'51''

主播: aRMy_casa

145 7

Dear Class of 2020 亲爱的2020届毕业生 It’s been a strange year so far 这是怪异的让人措手不及的一年 But you made it 但你撑过来了 Today, we might not have flowers, we might not have graduation caps. 今天,我们可能没有鲜花的簇拥,也可能没有端正的学位帽 What we do have is possibly the most special graduation ceremony in history 但我们拥有的是,历史上最与众不同的毕业典礼 Never before have so many gathered to celebrate the graduating class for their achievements and their journeys. 还从来没有这么多人,为了庆祝一届毕业生的成就,为了见证他/她们扬帆启程,而欢聚一堂 You could be watching us from your beds, or from your living room, alone or with somebody. 现在正看着我们的你,可能正躺在床上,在你的起居室里,你可能独自一人,也可能有人相伴。 Wherever you are, you will all soon be breaking out of one world and soar (soaring) into another. 不管你们在哪儿,都将从这当下眼前的世界破壳而出,振翅向另一个世界进发。 Ten years ago, it snowed really hard on the day of my middle school graduation. 十年前,我中学毕业典礼的那一天,雪下得很大。 I remember that day clearly, 那一天我记得清清楚楚 because I took a picture with my friends and kept it as my Messenger profile for the rest of my school years. 因为我和朋友们拍了一张合影,并把照片设置为Messenger(社交软体)的头像,在余下的学年里一直没换过。 On that day, I was just a boy who had closed just one chapter, ready to open another. 毕业的那天,我只是一个刚刚翻过人生篇章之一的男孩。男孩跃跃欲试地,想打开下一章。 And I remember that feeling, it was really thrilling, breathtaking. 那种感觉我记得清楚。是那样的动人心弦,令人热血沸腾。 It was a moment I felt like me, my self. 那是一个,令我感到自在,令我成为我的瞬间。 A feeling I want to hold on to forever. 那是种令我留恋、令我想永远沉浸其中的感觉。 So, as a fellow individual in his 20s, 所以,作为20多岁的,你们的同龄人。 All the way from South Korea,I want to say congratulations. 从遥远的韩国,我想对大家说一声,祝贺! We are very excited for what lies ahead of you. 我们对你们的未来感到兴奋和期待 Regardless of where or how far you are. 无论你现在在哪儿,无论你离我们有多远 We hope our stories today can give you some sort of comfort, hope, 我们希望我们的故事能够给你带去一些安慰,一丝光明 and maybe even a bit of inspiration. 乃至,一点启发。 Dear Class of 2020, 亲爱的2020届毕业生 I hope our stories reach you all today. 我希望我们的故事很好地传递给了大家 To be really really frank, we still feel very unsure and unsettled as we speak, 非常坦白地说,此时此刻的我们仍然感到迷茫和忐忑 Just like the day we left the school gates for the last time on (the) graduation day. 和我们最后一次踏出校门的、毕业的那天所感受到的心情,无甚区别 Some say (said) we have achieved so many things, but we stand no different from any other youth in their 20s. 有些人说,我们取得了不胜数的成就,但其实我们和所有20多岁的年轻一代, 站在同一起跑线上。 Our graduation caps still press to our heads and awkwardly peering into the face of reality. 我们的学位帽始终压在我们的头顶,在直面“现实”的时候,是这般地手足无措。 The recent unforeseen events completely changed our plans. 最近这些难以预料的事,完全打乱了我们的计划。 And the sense of loss and anxiety we felt then are (is) still with us today. 那种失落和焦虑的情绪, 时至今日仍困扰着我们 The fear of an obscure future as our daily lives turned upside down is (presents) a moment of realization of the self, 当我们习以为常的生活天翻地覆了的时候,我们恐惧着迷雾一般未知的未来。 但这恰恰是,自我觉醒的时刻。 the realization of what makes me a true me. Myself. 这是迫使我重塑我,完善我的机遇。 As musicians, we are pulling ourselves (together)by making music. 身为音乐人,音乐就是我们赖以生存的养分, We write songs. 我们写歌 We produce and we practice, as we think about the people we love. 怀着对所爱之人的思念,我们制作,练习, And it connects to the world during such difficult times. 这样艰难的日子里,是音乐助我们度过难关,打通我们与世界的壁垒 And with music, we hope we can bring you smiles and courage again. 多亏了音乐,我们希望可以再次为你带去微笑与勇气 V just mentioned memos and photographs, V刚才提到了手记以及照片 For us, our way of remembering and communicating is to make music 对我们而言,创作音乐本身,就是我们在记录、纪念、与传递所思所感了 For you, it could be anything. 而你则可以用任何属于你的方式,去记录、纪念与分享 In our music, in our hearts, and in the time that we break out of ourselves, 沉浸于我们的音乐中,发自于我们的肺腑,在这个我们破壳而出的崭新的时刻 we are alone but also together. 我们孤身一人,我们与子同袍 We may be seeing each other through just cameras and small screen(s) but I know your future will bloom to something much bigger and magnificent 也许此刻你我,只能通过狭小的镜头与屏幕看见彼此,但我知道你将步入广阔的天地,驰骋于壮美的未来。 Graduates, friends, family, faculty , 毕业生们,朋友们,家人们,老师们 Today, you stand with us the largest class of graduates in history 今日,我们与历来数量最多的毕业生们一道 (翻译cr.百度金南俊吧)