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「Learn Anytime,Anywhere」
美思 | Chris老师
Hi everybody! My name is Chris, your Meisi English teacher.
大家好,我是 Chris, 你的美思英语老师。
Since today is single’s day, many people will be out looking for a significant other. So, let’s talk about dating!
The biggest difference between dating in North America and China is that North Americans take dating more casually. Often two people will date for several weeks or months before “defining” their relationship. This can make dating a little bit confusing. In fact, according to one American survey 69% of singles weren’t sure whether an outing with someone they were interested in was a date or not.
For example
It has taken her a long time, but she’s finally found her significant other.
I want to ask her out on a date, but I’m so nervous!
They’ve been going out for months but he still won’t call her his girlfriend. What’s the problem?
今天的发音是 other 里面的 th. 发这个声音应该让舌头出嘴一点点,用牙齿咬一下舌尖。
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