Hello everybody, I’m Daniel. You can call me Daniel or 大牛 (The big bull!). I’m your Meisi English teacher .
大家好,我叫丹尼尔。 我的中文名字是大牛(LOL) ,我是你的美思英语老师。
I studied the Chinese language while living in Taiwan.I know that if I can do it,you can do it too! We can succeed together!
Today we are going to talk about Love!
Before we start our lesson,I want to warm up your brains and your tongues with a fun exercise called a tongue twister.
我们开始之前, 我想用绕口令锻炼你的头脑和舌头:
“Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.”
苏西在擦鞋店工作。 她坐在哪里,哪里就闪耀, 哪里亮她就坐在哪里。
Love is in the air.
I have a crush on you.
Butterflies in my Stomach.
Arrow through my heart.
1. When we are together, I know that love is in the air.
2. I want to tell you that I have a crush on you.
3. Before we kissed, I was so nervous. I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach.
在我们亲吻之前,我很紧张。 我觉得我的心上窜下跳。
3. When she said she didn’t love me, it was like an arrow through my heart.
When is it ok to say I love you?
Who should say it first ?man or woman?
谁应该第一个表白?男人 or 女人?
Before the end of every class I like to inspire my students with a special message. Here is today’s message Inspirational Quote: “By being yourself, you put something beautiful into the world that was not there before.”
在每堂课结束之前,我喜欢用一句话激励我的学生。 今天的这句话是:“做自己, 你就是在创造这个世界上不曾存在过的美丽。