

2017-06-28    01'27''

主播: 美思英语微信班

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昨天我们的翻译任务是:虽然她不再年轻,但她仍有一颗少女心。 Though she is not young any more. She&`&s still a young girl at heart. I just found out today that I will have to go to another city. So, I called my friend and told her: “I’m moving on Saturday”. 注意了: 搬家不是move house. 光用move就够了. After the call, I saw that my son was already packing our luggage. “I’m carrying these two ”, he said. “That’s my boy” I told him. This phrase is used when your son has done something good. 我今天得知我需要搬去另一个城市。于是我打电话给我朋友跟他说:“我周6搬家”。挂电话后,我看到我儿子已经开始主动帮我收拾行李了。他跟我说“我来拿这两个”。 我对他说“That’s my boy” 这句话是用来夸儿子的。 重点表达 That’s my boy! For example 微信朗读班内容 That’s my boy, you make me proud. 有这样的儿子让我骄傲。 ▼ 任务时间 请大家在留言中翻译:你得了100分,你真让我骄傲。 我们明天揭晓答案。